Tuesday, January 13, 2015


You're going to laugh at me... I already know it...

But I'm going to admit it to you anyway: I - just today - heard of Goodreads.

I know, I know, how could a bibliophile and writer in her own right not have ever heard of the book-related social media that is Goodreads?

I'm not sure how to answer that question. Looking back on it, I'm sure I've seen their URL splashed across the first page of Google results when researching a new book. I've probably even read some reviews by Goodreads users without fully grasping how glorious of a site it is. Truthfully, I only "heard" of Goodreads by rifling through the new Writer's Digest that showed itself in the mail yesterday evening. The February 2015 issue has an article about expanding your platform on Goodreads, but just reading the features of the site, I wanted to join now!

So, if you're on Goodreads, look me up. Let me know you read the blog and want to be book buddies.

Then, let's review, read, and covet new books. What could possibly be better for the new year?

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