Tuesday, August 26, 2014

YA/New Adult Reading List

I've been fervently writing the first draft of a new YA novel. It's taken up all my time and brain power. My thoughts are planted firmly in the plot and characters of that world, but I still find time to read. It gives me a break from my own head. Also, it helps me understand the market I'm trying to break into. What's being published in YA? What works? What doesn't?

Here are a few of the books I've recently read:

Winger by Andrew Smith - it's vulgar and hilarious. Told from the POV of a 14 year-old boarding school boy. You will laugh, you will cry (I mean it), but most importantly, this stand-alone novel will stay with you for the rest of your life. It's so good. Check it out here on Amazon for a full description: http://www.amazon.com/Winger-Smith-Andrew/dp/1442444932/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1409072397&sr=1-1&keywords=winger+by+andrew+smith

The Rithmatist by Brandon Sanderson - this was an accidental find at my local book store. I went in in search of the second novel in a series, but found this instead. It's the first book in a series by Sanderson but he hasn't gotten very far on book two (hint, hint, Sanderson). I highly recommend this read. It's gearpunk (not normally a genre I read, even in YA) and is at once suspenseful and beautiful. You will not see the twist coming at the end (or shall I say, the double twist?). I won't give away more. Here it is on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Rithmatist-Brandon-Sanderson/dp/0765338440/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1409072433&sr=1-1&keywords=the+rithmatist

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - I must admit, this is the first Rainbow Rowell novel I've read. I'd seen her novels in bookstores, but never picked one up. While researching agents, I saw that everyone wanted "a Rainbow Rowell" for their YA roster. So, if it works, read it, right? I was not disappointed. Rowell's descriptions are killer and spot on. She's funny and poignant and heart breaking in this New Adult novel. I haven't finished this novel yet, so no notes on the ending, but the first half (Fall Semester) has me hooked. It pulls me away from writing my own YA novel when I need a break. I now understand why all agents want their own Rainbow Rowell. Check her out for yourself here: http://www.amazon.com/Fangirl-Rainbow-Rowell/dp/1250030951/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1409072613&sr=1-1&keywords=fangirl

Happy Reading, fellow scribes!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Write Like a Child - Even If You Aren't Writing For Children

You know those play castles erected for children at restaurants, parks, and (most brutally) water parks? The ones equipped with slides, ball pits, water cannons, and monkey bars. Basically everything short of an actual cross bow?

And you think - whether as a parent or as a bystander - wow, those kids must really be having fun.
No. They're killing each other. It's like the Hunger Games in there.

How do I know this? Because the mini getaway I had last week took place at a water park in the Wisconsin Dells, where one of the best slides outside had a line that wove through the kid's play castle. I'm sure their goal was to cut as far back on the line as possible by drowning out 90 percent of the guests that attempted entry. But not I. I stayed even though some jerk of a child blasted a high pressure water gun at my head for five minutes, moving the flow back and forth across my scalp, so I was drenched both down my face and down my neck. Breathing became an exercise done solely through the mouth.

When he finally turned the gun to spray another slide hopeful, I spun around to see who this kid thought he was. And there, on level three of the castle, a sadistic, pudgy little nine year-old was the culprit. I was being tortured by a third grader. It didn't take long for him to tire of the other person ignoring his water jet, and his eyes set on me again. We stood off for about half a second and then he shot the gun right at my face.

I think I still have water behind my contacts.

What could this possibly have to do with writing? Well, other than making a good story, I want to use this barbarous child to prove a point about story structure and plot. (I guess I should thank him for making my wait in line so terrible, but, I just can't.)

Your characters need to unleash their inner sadistic third grader in EVERY scene. They need to take chances and do things unexpectedly - things we wouldn't do in normal life. That's why people read stories: to see how the characters react and then how they justify those reactions.

Have you ever seen a dog left in a parked car on a hot day? Did you call the ASPCA or just shake your head and walk on? Ever been to a wedding with a really good favor like an entire bottle of wine or movie tickets? Did you want to take more than one, but restrained yourself?

Make your characters push the limits. Have them call the ASPCA and break into the locked car to free Fido. Make them stuff four bottles of wine in their suit jackets or nick the entire roll of free tickets.

If your character was in my water park situation, have her chase the kid down through the watery torture dungeon, or maybe have her flip the kid off (and of course, his mother would be within the vicinity and then a whole 'nother can of worms can open).

Unleashing your characters' "inner child" will up the stakes of the scene and therefore create more tension. Not only that, but if your character acts predictably in every scenario, wouldn't you put the book down? Boring, right?

Push the limits and your plot will improve, your characters will be more dynamic, and you'll have more fun writing.

But, Alyssa, you say, I've been within the clutches of modern society too long, and I can't think of a way to push my characters to their inner heartless happy place.

My advice: go talk to your nieces and nephews. Take your friend's kids to the Burger King play center or, worse, add water. Just remember to bring extra padding and a snorkel before you leave. It's brutal out there.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mini Getaway from Stress

If you've read a few posts in this blog, you know I'm a big supporter of the "write every single day" rule. And I'm not backing down on that. Even if it's one sentence, a sentence fragment, or a word, you should write every single day.

However, everyone burns out. We've got stressful jobs, kids, chores, errands, and often times, it comes down to choosing writing or sleep.

That's why, next week Tuesday, there will be no blog post. I'm going to take a much needed break from life and stress and worry. I'm going on a girls' getaway with a friend and we're going to sit poolside and eat fattening junk food and not think about work or family or that guy that still hasn't called.

I suggest, if the pressure of life is welling up in you, too - take a break! You deserve it. Your novel will still be there when you get back. Just make sure you're truly resting so that when you return, you can get right back to writing another word per day.

Think of it as counterbalance for your personal life.

Positive thoughts, positive words, positive rest. That's my new motto.

And if a getaway just isn't financially applicable or timely in your life right now, I've attached some beautiful pictures from Pinterest below. Put on some calming music, take a deep breath, and pretend you're there.

Happy almost-end-of-summer, everyone!






