2016 is just days away and it's about time we started thinking about goals again. While it's great to have goals year round, there's something really exciting about starting the new year with a plan.
Many of us set personal goals: we want to lose weight, quit sugar, save more money for retirement...so on and so forth. But when was the last time you set a professional goal for yourself?
I surely can't think of it.
So, this New Year, along with my personal goal, I'm also going to set a professional goal. And it's a big one.
Drum roll please.......
Whew, I said it. No, I BLOGGED it, which makes it more real.
Now, this won't be my first novel. In fact, I've written five novels/novel length projects since committing to writing as my profession, but the other day I was thinking about how I haven't written something fun (like fiction, essays, or poems) in a few weeks. My life has simply been too chaotic with everything else going on. I'm sure you can relate.
That also got me thinking about my big novels that I've written in the past and how they really need to be revised.
So, that led me to the conclusion that I MUST write another novel in 2016. I currently have no idea what it will be about, who the characters are, or even where it takes place. I know nothing other than the fact that I will write it sometime this year.
The universe will give me the idea when it's ready and I am too. I'm sure of that. In the meantime, I'm screaming out into the void of everything saying, THIS is my year. Let's get this novel going.
Do you have any writing goals for 2016? Shout them into the aether of the universe by sharing them in the comments section.